Do Odorous Ants Have Wings?

You might already know about their unusual odor if you've ever squashed an odorous ant. Like us, do you also wonder if odorous ants have wings? Very well, you have come into the right place! We have conducted thorough research to find the answer.

Odorous ants have wings for a brief period. The reason why they have wings is that they need them to swarm to breed.

Odorous ants are indeed an interesting topic to tackle. So, we suggest you keep reading throughout the post. Doing such might also answer some of the questions building up in your mind.

dorous House Ant workers feeding on ant gel bait. Adult Female Winged Odorous Ant Queen. Do Odorous Ants Have Wings

What Are Odorous Ants?

If you are curious about how these odorous ants smell, just imagine the scent of rotten coconut! The size of these teeny stink pots ranges from 1/16” to 1/8” long.

Adult Female Winged Odorous Ant Queen of the Genus Dolichoderus


Odorous ants like to eat anything that is sweet and are most fond of honeydew. Aside from their weird odor, you’ll know these are odorous ants if they carry and move their nests every three months.


When indoors, these ants love to build their nests near moisture locations like wall voids close to hot water pipes, underneath leaky fixtures, heaters, window frames, and insulation.

On the other hand, when they are outdoors, you can find odorous ants under stacks of firewood, under stones, in exposed soil, mulch, and in damaged woods because of termites.


Odorous ants are not hazardous to humans, but unfortunately, they can contaminate foods, and that is what e should avoid. If you notice these stubborn pests in or around your property, it would be best to ask for the help of a pest control expert. You don’t want them to cause a stinky odor around your home.

Adult Odorous Ant of the genus Dolichoderus

How Odorous Ants Move From One Place To Another?

If you think that the only unique thing about odorous house ants is their stinky odor, sorry, but you are wrong. One more unique thing about them is that the only way they move from one place to another is by using their wings.

As mentioned above, they move every three months, meaning they fly often. Odorous ants will move their nests often in response to environmental situations. Indeed, you can say that these pests are having a hard time doing this because of the nest containing thousands of ants.

Odorous ants swarm to breed, usually during early summer or spring. And they will have their wings for only a brief period. After they finish mating, the female ants may go back to the colony to have their eggs laid or they can opt to start a new colony.

odorous house ant on the leaf of a sunflower

How To Prevent Odorous Ants From Existing In Your Home?

Moisture is what tempts the odorous ants. So, if you want to prevent odorous ants from occurring, it would be best to eliminate standing water. Eliminate standing water to prevent odorous house ants. In addition, outdoors:

  • It would help to prune tree branches and other plants away from your house. These branches are what the odorous ants use to access the house. 
  • You should ensure no gaps, cracks, or small openings around the foundation's bottom.
  • Ensure that you do not store any building materials or firewood close to your home because these stubborn odorous ants also love to build nests in stacks of wood.
  • Tree branches and other plants should be pruned away from the house. These branches are sometimes used by odorous ants to gain access to the house.
  • Make sure there are no cracks or small openings around the foundation's bottom. Ensure firewood and building materials are not stored next to your home.

How To Get Rid Of Ants In A Natural Way

There are so many ways to get rid of those stubborn ants, and we'd love to share them with you. In this way, you won't have to contact a pest control expert and spend some cash just to keep these ants away. Additionally, you can't damage the environment by using such.

1. Diatomaceous Earth or Silicone Dioxide

This is a type of silica that comes from fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of plankton. Diatomaceous earth can dry out the ants and other insects just by absorbing the oils in their skeletons, which will kill them.

However, this is not a poison. It is an irritant, so as much as possible, but you should avoid inhaling it and having it in contact with your skin.

Check out this Diatomaceous earth on Amazon.

2. Liquid Detergent or Glass Cleaner

When ants walk, they leave a scented pheromone path that serves as a map. This approach will eliminate the ant's scent and prevent them from returning to your home.

All you have to do is mix a liquid detergent with the water and spray it in the area where the ant trail is.

Check out this glass cleaner on Amazon.

3. Ground Red or Black Pepper

If you want to deter ants naturally, you can use black or red pepper. Ants can find these irritating. And to use black or red pepper, you will just have to sprinkle them behind your appliance, around baseboards, or anywhere that ants can make a pathway. It is a safe approach keeping those pests at bay.

Homemade ant repellent spray mixture in bottle. Person hand spraying insect repellent on home terrace wood boards.

4. Peppermint Oil

You have to mix 15 drops of peppermint oil with two cups of water in a spray bottle and spray it out to baseboards and windows. Let it dry and repeat if necessary.

If you want to use a natural ant and insect repellent, it would be best to use peppermint.

However, you must be very careful when using and storing peppermint oil. As much as possible, keep it out of reach of your pets and children. Cats can be very ill if they expose themselves to peppermint.

Check out this peppermint oil on Amazon.

5. Tea Tree Oil

Like peppermint, you can also use tea tree oil as an ant repellent. You have to do the same steps just like what you should do with the peppermint oil.

Furthermore, if you find the smell of tea tree oil too strong, you can add a bit of peppermint oil.

Check out this tea tree oil on Amazon.

6. White Vinegar

It is the cheapest ant repellant that we can suggest. Mix one part water and one part vinegar and use it as a cleaning agent. Use it on hard surfaces, countertops, floors, or anywhere ants make trails.

7. Boiling Water

It is the easiest alternative you can do to get rid of the ants.

Pour the boiling water into every ant hole that you can see around your home. Rest assured that it will kill the ants quickly and effectively.

8. Cornstarch

You have two options using cornstarch to get rid of those ants.

  1. The first method involves liberally applying cornstarch to the entire ant colony and then covering it with water. The cornstarch will envelope numerous dead ants, which you can then sweep up.
  2. Secondly, you can dust the ants with cornstarch and vacuum them up. However, you have to ensure to seal and dispose of the vacuum bag outside as soon as possible.

9. Coffee Grounds

Brewed coffee grounds can detract ants. And to do that, sprinkle the coffee grounds on disposable covers. After that, it would be best to place them in locations where ants gather, like near pet bowls. Additionally, you might want to put some on windowsills.

The freshly brewed coffee grounds may lose their strength if they become dry, so it would be best to change them frequently.

10. Lemons

Lemons are very effective in deterring ants. Just like liquid detergent or glass cleaner, it can work to remove the pheromone trails and conceal the smell of food.

Furthermore, placing lemon peels in your cupboard may also deter those stubborn ants from invading your kitchen.

How To Keep Ants Away From Kitchen

Because of its nearness to a plentiful food supply, the kitchen is frequently where ants and other pests congregate. To keep ants out of the kitchen, try the following:

  • Clean the kitchen floors every day. And it would be best to include all the surfaces, too.
  • It would be best to wash the dishes right after using them. Do not leave them in the sink if you don't want the ants to invade the area.
  • Once your dogs or cats finish eating, wash their bowls immediately.
  • Get rid of the pheromone scent by using either of the detractor mentioned above.
  • It would be best to properly store all the food in your kitchen and put them in sealed containers or bags as much as possible.

Wrap It All Up

Now that you have finished reading this post, it is now time to apply your gained knowledge on how to deter ants, especially the odorous ants.

We hope you find this post helpful. And if you have more questions, you can leave a comment below and we'd love to answer you. If you want to read further, you can check the post below or visit our website and watch out for more articles coming!

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